Christmas Day prayers: Luke 2:1–20

Gill Le Fevre (she/her)
4 min readDec 20, 2020


Photo by James Coleman on Unsplash

Call to Worship

The Nativity story is our story too.
We need a place to welcome and shelter us, as we look to find our place in the world.
We seek a star to follow; a light to guide us through the darkness.
We crave the angel’s reassurance: do not be afraid.
And on this Christmas Day, we can proclaim the good news of great joy. Emmanuel, God with us. Jesus Christ is born. Our saviour, who is the Messiah.
Hallelujah. God be with us today.

Opening Prayer

Dear God, loving Father, humble child,
One: You came to this world as a baby, born in a stable, to save and redeem us.
Two: Inspire us through the story of your birth to live in your love.

One: We remember Joseph, trusting as he travelled into the unknown.
Two: Steady us also, when life gets overwhelming, to trust in your love for us.

One: We are encouraged by Mary, perhaps tired and anxious, yet reassured by your word.
Two: Comfort us to find hope in your promise to be with us always.

One: We think of the inn keeper, too busy to stop, his life full of other priorities.
Two: Slow us down to notice your presence, in the world and in our lives.

One: We are dazzled by the angels, proclaiming the joy of your birth, singing glory and praises.
Two: Help us to praise and worship you, in song and in service.

One: We understand the shepherds, afraid and trembling, unsure of their welcome at your birth.
Two: Reassure us with your accepting love, healing the scars and stains we might try to hide.

One: We are inspired by the magi, who followed your star in search of Christ the King.
Two: Strengthen us to follow you, and guide us in our lives.


Offering Prayer

Generous God, as we celebrate the gift of Jesus Christ, inspire us to give joyfully from our many blessings. Amidst our excitement, help us notice those for whom this season leaves them empty. In this time of over-indulgence, nourish us to feed the hungry and make room for the homeless. Unwrap our hearts, bound up in our own concerns and priorities, to share your love and hope with all your children. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer

Ever-loving Lord, God with us always,
As we celebrate the birth of your son Jesus Christ and your presence here on earth, help us not only to celebrate Christmas but also to live it.

Compassionate God, help us to feed the hungry.
Be with those who are unable this Christmas to feed their families, and support those worried for the stability or safety of their work. Sustain those who continue to work to bring food to us, from farms and factories, to grocery store workers. Keep them safe.

Merciful God, inspire us to comfort the distressed.
Console those who are mourning the loss of loved ones, or struggling with their grief in these strange times. Be with those who need healing this Christmas, those with ill-health, awaiting test results or treatment. Support our health care workers and all who work to look after the wellbeing of others. Keep them strong.

Welcoming God, encourage us to love the stranger.
Although our doors are shut at this time, keep our hearts open to support newcomers in our communities and help to make people feel at home. Encourage us to look out for those who are lonely or isolated, those alienated or overwhelmed by these current times. Give them joy.

Generous God, remind us to forgive each other.
Nourish our souls to let go of grudges and forgive those who have hurt us. Help us to reach out and renew the relationships in our lives. Encourage us to see each other with compassion and understanding. Give us peace.

Loving God, nurture us to inspire the hopeless.
When the darkness seems like it will never end, help us to be the light for someone else. In each day, sustain us to remember the depth of your care for us and awaken us to notice your surprising presence in our world. Abide with us that we can lean on you in our times of fear and despair. Give us love.

Remind us that you hear our prayers, this day and every day.


Go out into this Christmas Day, comforted by the warmth of God’s welcoming love growing in your heart, and renewed by the strength of God’s healing love, filling us and making us whole. Amen.

Permission: if you would like



Gill Le Fevre (she/her)
Gill Le Fevre (she/her)

Written by Gill Le Fevre (she/her)

Writer, student, historian, Mom. Writing nourishes me.

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