Sunday Prayers: an Easter Call to Worship: Mark 16:1–8

Early in the morning, just after sunrise, they seek out the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body.

With each new day of possibility or challenge, we too, O God, seek out your hope.

Grieving in the garden, apprehensive and trembling, they crave comfort and healing.

In the depths of our pain, amidst fear or frustration, we too, O God, crave your peace.

Astonished by the empty tomb, reassured by the angel, they experience God in the world.

Through surprising encounters, the joy of unexpected answers, we too, O God, proclaim your love.

Bewildered and uncertain, overwhelmed yet astounded, they hear the Easter triumph: he is not here. He is risen!

The Easter triumph is ours today too, as we declare God’s victory over death: Christ is risen. Hallelujah! Praise be to God.

