Easter Sunday Prayers: Matt 28:1–10
The dawning of hope, for an early morning Pier Service by the lake
Easter Proclamation
One: The angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has been raised, as he said.”
One: He is not here;
All: He is in the world, raising hope and peace.
One: He is not here;
All: He is in our lives, raising us up from sin.
One: He is not here;
All: He is in our hearts, raising us up to love.
One: The risen Christ;
All: In the risen Christ, we are saved, now and always. Hallelujah! Christ has risen!
Call to Worship
One: In the twilight of dawn, as night gave way to day.
All: May our faith in Christ sustain us in our struggle.
One: In the mystery of the tomb, as death gave way to life.
All: May the peace of Christ comfort us when we despair.
One: In the promise of the garden, as fear gave way to joy.
All: May the hope of Christ renew our lives this day.
One: In the presence of the risen Christ, with new life proclaimed, triumphant and abundant.
All: May the love of Christ break into our lives once more. Hallelujah!
Opening Prayer
Comforting God,
On this new day you come proclaiming new life in the midst of our distress and despair.
Where we have uncertainty, you walk by our side, reassuring us with your steadfast love.
Where we hold back with fear, you walk ahead of us, leading us into life and purpose.
When we cannot walk, brought to our knees with shame and sorrow, you offer your hand and raise us up.
Embrace us now with your redeeming love, and carry us forward into a life renewed. Amen.
Prayer after the Message
Triumphant God,
Surrounded by your beauty and your majesty, we affirm your love for us, that lives in us. Help your love break into our world, like a crack of thunder — demanding our attention for the needs of others. Help your love break into our world, like the stem of a daffodil — pushing and persistent, sustaining our efforts to bring about change.
Help your love break into our hearts, like a burst of rain — shocking us with the depth of your love for us. Help your love break into our hearts, like the lapping of the lake against the shore — comforting us with the tenderness of your care for us.
Help us find your peace, seek your way, and know your grace, in our hearts and in the world. All this we pray in the name of the risen Christ, light of the world. Amen.
One: Then Jesus said to them, “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brothers and sisters to go to Galilee; there they will see me.”
Do not be afraid.
All: With Christ’s love, we are not afraid; we are redeemed.
One: Go and tell our brothers and sisters.
All: With Christ’s love, we share the Easter hope in our world.
One: To go to Galilee.
All: With Christ’s love, we journey forward,
with Christ by our side.
One: There they will see him.
All: The risen Christ, present in our lives. Hallelujah! Amen.