Sunday Prayers: 1 Peter 2:2–10, Psalm 31:1–5, 15–16

Gill Le Fevre (she/her)
3 min readAug 9, 2023


Proclaiming God, our rock and our redeemer, in celebration of Anniversary Sunday

Call to Worship

One: Together, we are the church, a house of God’s love in our world.
All: Together, we are the church, made of living stones, building a sanctuary of God’s love for ourselves and others.
One: With these living stones we can build a wall of hope.
All: A living wall of hope in God, that stands firm against doubt or despair.
One: With these living stones we can build a floor of peace.
All: A living floor of the peace of God, that supports us when we worry or fear.
One: With these living stones we can build a tower of faith.
All: A living tower of faith in God, guiding us and proclaiming God’s grace for all to see.
One: We are the living stones of God’s work in the world.
All: Building together a community of sharing, giving and caring, to be a refuge evermore.

Offering Prayer

Faithful and protecting God,
As you are our rock and our refuge, magnify our offerings today to rescue those in need. Help us to be a rock of support, to comfort the grieving and the fearful. Inspire us to create a place of refuge, to welcome the lonely and the lost. Strengthen us to provide a fortress for others, to shield the vulnerable from violence and prejudice. Into your hand we commit all our gifts, to redeem your children. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer

Our reading from Psalm 31 today reminds us that God’s people have faced struggle and distress throughout history. For centuries, we have called out to God in need and through God’s eternal love, we have been heard. In faith then, we bring before God all that is on our mind and troubling our hearts. Let us pray.

Protecting God,
As we come before you in our need, be kind to us, we pray, and listen to our cries.

In you, O Lord, we seek refuge, when we are exhausted by sorrow.
Soothe those who grieve the loss of loved ones, and who face rebuilding their lives to cope with change or setbacks.
Heal the broken-hearted amongst us and bring us renewed joy.
Protecting God, we place our trust in you. Save us in your steadfast love.

In you, O Lord, we seek refuge, when we are weak with worry.
Comfort those who fear what the future holds for them, and who face disruptive decisions or results.
Heal the anxious amongst us and bring us calm.
Protecting God, we place our trust in you. Save us in your steadfast love.

In you, O Lord, we seek refuge, when we are worn out from striving.
Strengthen those who bear pressure and stress, and who face a mounting load of tasks and responsibilities.
Heal the over-burdened amongst us and bring us rest.
Protecting God, we place our trust in you. Save us in your steadfast love.

As we place our hopes and our needs into your hand, we proclaim your abundant goodness. Even as we cry for help, remind us of the many blessings we have in each day. Help us recognize your presence in our world and give thanks for the care you show us.

Guide us to trust in you, and to follow your word for us.
Let us hear and rejoice in your reassurance for us:
“Be strong, and let your heart take courage.”
Let us know and rejoice in your faithful love.


May the power of God, our rock and our redeemer, sustain and protect us in our days. May God’s word guide us to seek out his way for us. May God’s grace lead us to welcome others to our community of faith. And may God’s love inspire us to be a balm to all whom we encounter. Bless this spiritual house, that is our Walton home, to support all our caring for many years to come. Amen.



Gill Le Fevre (she/her)
Gill Le Fevre (she/her)

Written by Gill Le Fevre (she/her)

Writer, student, historian, Mom. Writing nourishes me.

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