Sunday Prayers: Acts 3:1–19
Call to Worship
In our Easter joy, we find a God of new starts and fresh growth.
In our Easter grace, we find a God of renewal and transformation.
In our Easter faith, we find a God to carry us from darkness and despair.
In our Easter peace, we find a God to nurture us in hope and love.
In our Easter lives, let us glorify God’s name, now and forevermore.
Opening Prayer
Energizing God,
On this new day, let us jump up to proclaim the splendor of your care for us. Fill us with wonder and guide us to walk forward with faith and gratitude. Renew us with your Easter love, so that our faith in your transforming power leaps from our hearts. Recharge us with the immensity of your mercy and grace, that we whoop praise for your goodness, and whisper thanks for your gentleness. In the name of the risen Christ, Jesus of Nazareth, let our lives shout hallelujah. Amen.
Offering Prayer
Triumphant God, we bring before you now our gifts, perhaps not of silver or gold, but all that we have to share at this time. Bless our giving and inspire those who receive this offering to seek to redeem the suffering of your children, near and far. Bless our helping and inspire us to seek to transform the needs of our communities in your name. Grant that by faith in your name, we are made strong to share your love with those around us. Amen.
Pastoral Prayer
Revitalizing Lord,
You who have known suffering and despair, who have cried out from pain and rejection, be present in this moment as we share with you the burdens weighing down on us and those we love.
In this Covid world, we struggle with illness and fear. We pray that you support and sustain those worn down by poor health, going through tests or coping with treatments. Be with caregivers and healthcare practitioners, and nurture them that the care and advice they provide brings ease and healing. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, dear Lord, make us strong.
In this divisive world, we struggle with hostility and rage. We pray for an end to misinformation and divisiveness, and ask that you suppress the fervour of those who try to foster hate and suspicion. Help us bring tolerance and compassion, calm and openness, to everyone we encounter. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, dear Lord, make us strong.
In this changing world, we struggle with the unknown. We pray that you guide us through the choices and decisions we face, and steady us to help those around us in the face of uncertainty. Grant us patience and clarity for the changes we pursue, and give us peace and courage when we are surprised by life’s events. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, dear Lord, make us strong.
Go into this new week sustained by your faith in the risen Christ that will make you strong. Whatever troubles you face, let God’s mercy lift you up. Whatever joy you are blessed with, let God’s grace leap in your heart. And may you praise God and witness to God’s love in each and every moment of your days. Amen.