Sunday Prayers: Col 3:12–17
Prayers celebrating the joy of music in worship
Call to Worship
One: In worship and praise, let us sing to the Lord
All: We sing of God’s steadfast love, across the ages.
One: In moments of need, we can sing in hope.
All: That God’s love sustains us and gives us strength.
One: When things go wrong, we can sing of God’s grace.
All: That God’s love forgives us, and gives us a fresh start.
One: With gratitude in our hearts, let us sing to the Lord.
All: Let us sing our worship and praise.
Opening Prayer
Creator God,
We give thanks for the gift of music. With cheerful voices, lift us up to sing our joy and delight.
When times are hard, let your music comfort and sustain us. In every moment, may we voice our gratitude, like birdsong carrying through the air. Let your songs bring us together, making friends of strangers. And may our lives echo with the perfect harmony of your love.
Offering Prayer
Faithful God,
Fill our hearts with gratitude for all that you have given us, that our lives may overflow with your blessings. Let us share the abundance of your love, praising you with all we have to offer. May these gifts help others find the comfort of your love, answering the cries of those in need. Sustain us to serve you, fostering peace and compassion.
In the name of Jesus Christ,
Let the joy of God’s love resound in your hearts, reassuring you of the promise of God’s comfort, strength and salvation. May your actions be a song that lifts another. May your thoughts make music in your soul. And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, now and always. Amen.