Sunday Prayers for Pride

Gill Le Fevre (she/her)
3 min readMay 28, 2021
Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

Call to Worship

In this time of worship, let the colours of God’s love come alive for us.

The blue of the lakes and seas, refreshing us.
The brown of the earth, grounding us.
The orange of a blazing sunrise, uplifting us.
In worship we affirm God’s nurturing love.

The pink of a gentle sunset, comforting us.
The green of trees and forests, sheltering us.
The black of night, bringing peace and rest.
In worship we affirm God’s caring love.

The yellow of inspiration, encouraging us.
The red of embracing life, energizing us.
The purple of imagination, emboldening us.
In worship we proclaim God’s empowering love.

Move through us God, to feel your acceptance, to accept your forgiveness and to trust in your word to us.

Opening Prayer

Accepting and inclusive God,
Thank you for the diversity of all creation, through which you have given us our vibrant, colourful world. Thank you for our unique place in your world, helping to form a kaleidoscope of ideas and dreams.

Remind us today that all are loved in your creation: friends as well as the unknown and unfamiliar; those with roots in this land, as much as refugees and travellers. All belong to your grace.

Open our hearts to recognize your love for each one of us. Help us affirm that you care for us not only when life is working out, but especially when we struggle and lose our way.

Inspire us today to see that you work through each one of us in unexpected and surprising ways. Awaken us to trust in your love and purpose for us. Amen.

Introduction to Offering

The four gospels each contain many examples of God calling us to help those in need in our world. We are reminded that when we help another person in need, we are helping and loving God. We are challenged to love our enemies as much as our friends and to give without judgment. We are encouraged that no gift is too small when offered in God’s name and for God’s service. Let us now offer our individual gifts to God.

Offering Prayer

Caring God,
In a world of hostility and division, take these gifts, we pray, and use them to heal the pain of your children. As you have blessed us with compassion, help us recognize those living in fear and offer them safety. As you have called us to welcome, help us recognize those isolated in our communities and offer them belonging. Through our time, our talents and our resources, may we love our world more abundantly. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer

Compassionate and understanding God,
You see each one of us as we honestly are, flawed and scarred by human weakness — and yet you accept us unreservedly and love us extravagantly. You call us to bring to you our deepest longings and fears, that you may sustain us, guide us and care for us.

We pray for those who feel unwelcome in society, and for us also when we feel rejected. Be with refugees and those displaced from their homes, searching for a safe place to live. Strengthen those whose difference — of race, gender or sexual identity — has caused them suffering and persecution. Grant them and us the blessing of belonging. Listening God, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who feel isolated in their lives, and for us also when we feel lonely. Be with those who live alone and for whom the pandemic has created unhelpful solitude. Comfort those grieving the loss of a loved one, denied our rituals of mourning by Covid restrictions. Grant them and us the blessing of welcome. Listening God, hear our prayer.

We pray for those who feel insecure in this world, and for us also when we feel unsure. Be with those looking for work or fearing for their current job, especially those forced to risk their health in order to keep working at this time. Support those struggling with their finances and worried about making ends meet and feeding their household. Grant them and us the blessing of hope. Listening God, hear our prayer.

All this we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.


May God of the sunshine warm you with love and acceptance. May God of the rain showers nourish you with strength and renewal. May God of the rainbows embrace you with inspiration and encouragement.

