Sunday Prayers for Transfiguration, Mark 9:2–9
Call to Worship
One: Our world is full of shadows.
All: When we can’t escape the gloom of bad new, we need God’s peace to comfort us.
One: Our paths are obscured by fog.
All: When we can’t see what lies ahead, we crave hope in God to reassure us.
One: Our days seem enclosed in twilight.
All: When we can’t find our purpose or our passion, we seek God’s truth to guide us.
One: Through this time of worship,
All: Kindle the light of God’s love in us.
Opening Prayer
Radiant God,
Bring us closer to you, that we can feel the warmth of your love. Turn our hearts towards you, as a flower follows the sun. Inspire us to share your love with others, reflecting caring and kindness into the world. Light us up, with the joy of acceptance, the peace of your presence and the promise of your eternal forgiveness.
Prayer of Illumination
Inspiring God,
Let the words of your holy teaching cut through the darkness of doubt and fear, and sparkle in our souls, bringing hope and understanding. Lighten our spirit with the recognition of your abundant grace. Brighten our thoughts with the comfort of your abiding love.
Offering Prayer
Enduring God,
As you came down the mountain, to meet us in our everyday struggles, help us to extend our faith from the shelter of this sanctuary to serve the needs of our communities. May we be inspired by your blessing to recognize the abundance in our lives. May we be strengthened by your teaching, to accept the purpose you call us to. May we be sustained by your love, to act with mercy and compassion.
Pastoral Prayer
Companion God,
Thank you for coming down the mountain to be with us; for sending your son, Jesus, to walk by our side, through all that lies ahead.
Thank you for being with us in our pain. Help us draw on our faith in you to sustain us in times of struggle and uncertainty. Disperse our anxiety with the warmth of your love.
Thank you for being with us in our disappointments. Help us find your peace to accept the twists of life and to gather the strength to persist or reset. Guide us to receive and share your love in each moment.
Thank you for being with us in our ordinary. Help us to appreciate the fleeting moments of the everyday — a smile of welcome, the support of a friend, the first star in the night sky. Inspire us listen to your presence in our lives.
Thank you for being a God of deep hope and eternal love. Abide in us and teach us patience and grace.
In the name of Jesus the Christ, our anointed Saviour,
May the love of God shine on you, and in you and through you.
Resting on you with the reassurance of God’s eternal grace.
Glowing in you with the warmth of God’s abiding love.
Beaming through you to the light the way to make it through the week ahead.