Sunday prayers: James 3:1–12
Prayers for words of hope and healing, blessings and peace
Call to Worship
One: In our living and our learning,
All: Guide us to follow your word.
One: In our speaking and praying,
All: Teach us words of hope and faith.
One: In our singing and praising,
All: Give us words of joy and thankfulness.
One: In our pausing and our waiting,
All: Still us to hear your word for us today.
Opening Prayer
Nurturing God, inspire us with your words of love and hope. Then may our words echo your grace into our world.
Sheltering God, protect us with your words of courage and mercy. And may our words build others up and bring them strength.
Healing God, comfort us with your words of peace and renewal. Then may our words undo hurt and seek forgiveness.
Loving God, watch over us, that our spoken words and unspoken thoughts may please you always.
Offering Prayer
Redeeming God,
Accept these gifts to heal the wounds of our world, ablaze with
anger and pain. Where hatred ignites war, let us find ways to
advance harmony and peace.
Where shouts bring fear, let us find ways to comfort and protect.
Where scorn creates neglect, let us find ways to care and nourish.
May we remember we are all made equally in your image and
share your words of love.
Prayer of Illumination
God of guidance and wisdom,
Help us to hear your word for us today. In the midst of the noise and anger of our world, remind us of the peace of your mercy and the promise of your hope. Opening our hearts to receive the healing and the blessing of your words of love. Amen.
Pastoral Prayer
It is not without irony that I recognize that a service based on James 3:1–12 will use words to talk about the danger of words. Sometimes it is just as important to have stillness for listening, for being open to hearing. And this is particularly true in prayer.
For the Pastoral Prayer, therefore, I’d suggest using breath prayers, to create a space for individual meditation and openness to listening to God.
In: Loving God, my redeemer
Out: My rock. In you I trust
In: I am beloved of God
Out: I shine as a light in the world
In: Shape my words
Out: To be sweet to the soul
In: Encourage me now
Out: Comfort me always
Be with us, Lord, this day and always. Hear the cries of our hearts. See the needs of our souls. Heal and renew us with your love and hope.
Go now in peace. Blessed by God, to bless those around you with love and hope. Healed by God, to heal your world with love and mercy. Beloved by God, this day and always. Amen.