Sunday Prayers: Jeremiah 1:4–10, 1 Corinthians 13:1–13
Call to Worship
One: Amidst the rush of the world, the noise and the turmoil, remind us that only one thing matters.
All: Calm us with your patient love.
One: As we leave behind a week of struggle and striving, reassure us that only one thing matters.
All: Comfort us with your caring love.
One: When we are swept away by our dreams or held back by our fears, steady us with the only thing that matters.
All: Let us settle into the peace of your love, in our worship and our lives.
Opening Prayer
Loving God of overflowing blessings,
You know us and you see us and, despite all that, you love us, with an endurance and a depth that we do not understand. Remind us, God, to trust in your love, and let it shelter and soothe us in all our need. Encourage us to have hope through your love, and affirm that your love outlasts our troubles and will not let them overcome us. Inspire us to persevere, sustained by the strength of your love to build a life that honours you.
Rescue us from the difficulties of our world or inside ourselves that would take us apart from you. Amen.
Offering Prayer
Compassionate God,
You see the world in all its pain and sorrow, and call us to come forward in your name and give in love. In answer to that call, we offer these gifts to support the healing and reconciliation of all your children. May our giving tear down prejudice and oppression and help justice to flourish. May our giving overthrow poverty and bring hope in its place. And may our service build a community of your love that reaches out in welcome and acceptance. Amen.
Pastoral Prayer
O God, we affirm that you know us inside and out, from before we were even born. Thank you for your accepting and inclusive love; for the unique traits you have blessed us with.
We affirm that our faith in you sets us apart, and confess that we do not always find that easy. Forgive us when we give into the selfish ways of this world.
In the midst of our personal troubles and our communal trauma, we affirm that you are with us, and you will rescue us. Save us from our fears and anxiety, from our doubts and uncertainty, from our anger and our stress. We gratefully accept your comfort from throughout the ages, “Do not be afraid.”
We affirm your caring love for us and desire for relationship with us.
We seek your presence in the world. Help us notice you in the beauty of your creation and in the miracles of each day. Help us recognize you in the faces of those around us and greet them with compassion.
Guide us to discern the things that distance us from you, to be overthrown and torn down. Inspire us to look for ways to grow closer to you, that we are called to build and to plant.
Put your words in our mouths and your love in our hearts.
Today and always, Amen.
Catch hold of the life-ring that is the love of God, and let it carry you into this new week. Let it hold you up when the waves of life engulf you, and steady you when you flounder. Relax and trust in the eternal comfort God provides. Amen.