Sunday Prayers: Judges 4:1–22
Call to Worship
One: Whenever we feel disrespected or overlooked, let down by others;
All: Resting and praying, we affirm that God sees us.
One: In those times when we feel lost or unsure, seeking God’s presence in our lives;
All: Listening and singing, we remember that God leads us.
One: As we worship, we share our worries and concerns, craving answers and support;
All: Praising and reflecting, we recognize that God works through us.
One: Together we remember that our God is a God of surprises;
All: Working in surprising places through surprising people, loving us in surprising ways.
Opening Prayer
Unexpected God,
We close our eyes to so much in the world — the problems we can’t solve, the people we can’t help, the strangers we don’t understand. Worse, we close our minds too often as well. To the everyday miracles of creation, to the joy of each new day, to the gifts placed deep within us. Open our hearts to receive the wonder of your surprising love. To see the world as you do — with mercy, hope and love. To serve the world as you know we can — with courage, hope and love. To witness to you in the world, sharing your peace, hope and love. Amen.
Offering Prayer
Creative and renewing God,
We give thanks to you for the blessings we enjoy: the diverse beauty of each province from lakes to prairies, and mountains to coasts; the resources and opportunities to learn and grow, and leave our mark; the freedom to live and love, being true to ourselves. Bless these offerings as you have blessed our lives. Inspire us to discover beauty in those who appear different from ourselves; to create opportunities for diversity to surprise and to flourish; and to share the abundance of your love, without limit or restriction. Amen.
Prayers of the People
Unexpected God,
Awaken us to the surprising and unexpected ways you work in the world.
Open our minds to the unpredictable and diverse people you work through.
Expand our hearts to the extraordinary and unanticipated ways you work in us.
Be with us, when our lives are upended by grief: for people or relationships; for plans or dreams. Help us find purpose and healing to move forward each day. Comfort us in our loss and restore us in your strength. Surround us with the support of others to rediscover your joy.
Be with us, when our lives are transformed by abundance: of new ideas and ambitions; of plans to be made or desires fulfilled. Remind us of your blessings in all we are and all we have. Inspire us to accomplish the possibility you have created for us. Renew us with appreciation for the miracles in each day and your enduring care for us.
Be with us, when our lives are stirred up by opportunity: to speak out or stand up for those in need. Give us the courage to reject injustice in our communities. Bless us with compassion for those who are isolated or shunned, and help us make them whole.
Be with us in our waking, our resting, our dreaming. Let us know and share the peace that comes from your eternal grace. Amen.
Go into this new week, ready to be surprised by God. May God startle you out of complacency and into compassion; awaken you to see all you have to give; and amaze you with the awe-inspiring breadth of God’s care for you and your world.