Sunday Prayers: Luke 6:27–38
Call to Worship
One: The call to worship resounds in our lives;
All: Vibrating in our hearts, stirring the comfort of our days.
One: We are called out —
Two: Challenged to recognize the shortcomings in our lives by our God who is always merciful and forgiving.
One: We are called upon —
All: Encouraged to serve our compassionate God; to acknowledge the injustice in our world and to seek to push back against it.
One: We are called in —
All: Invited to worship our generous God, whose arms are always open, whose embrace is always waiting to enfold us in his love.
All: Come, let us answer the call.
Opening Prayer
Patient and persistent God,
Tune our hearts to receive the frequency of your message in the world, and help us hear your call to us. Awaken us to notice the hurt of the world, like the low slow groan of a branch with too much to bear. In your name, bless us with courage and compassion. Prompt us to encourage the hope of the world, like the excited babble of birds soaring up in a bright blue sky. In your name, bless us with enthusiasm and faith. Comfort us to receive your reassurance and acceptance, in the soft, gentle whisper of grasses brushed by the wind. In your name, bless us with peace and renewal.
All this we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, who lived your call of caring, healing and welcoming love. Amen.
Offering Prayer
Compassionate God, whose blessings overflow in our lives, help us live out your call to us more closely. Inspire us to resist injustice that relentlessly spreads cruelty and pain. Encourage us to stare down prejudice that fosters hostility and violence. Spur us to love courageously and abundantly, to manifest your kingdom here and now. May these gifts today show our commitment to your merciful love and healing, shared for all your children. Amen.
Go forward today with the call of God booming in your life. A call to care for the world and all those around us. A call to resist the selfishness and fear that feeds pain. And a call to love and be loved with an abundance of joy and mercy. Amen.