Sunday Prayers: Mark 1: 9–15

Gill Le Fevre (she/her)
3 min readFeb 6, 2021
Photo by Julia Gavrilenko on Unsplash

Call to Worship

One: When our days hurt like a wilderness, empty of nourishment, deserted of hope;
All: You call to us with your Spirit, comforting and sustaining us.
One: If all around us, shadows loom, and our resolve is tested, our faith challenged;
All: You bless us with your presence, strengthening our hearts each day.
One: Whenever our troubles appear unyielding, the pain unrelenting in our world;
All: You abide unyielding by our side, your love is unrelenting in our lives.

Opening Prayer

Comforting God,
Amidst the distraction and drama of the world around us, focus our hearts and minds on you and your love. When we look past you and depend on human efforts, awaken us to your presence. When we feel uncertain and unsettled by change, remind us of your blessing. When events upset us and leave us adrift, give us the confidence of being loved. Reassure us now with your everlasting love and mercy. Amen.

Offering Prayer

Caring God, as you nourish us, help us to share your love with our world. Make us aware of the opportunities to be angels in the lives of another. Inspire us to see the needs of our community and to act, that we might lessen the struggle for those around us. Encourage us to use the ways you’ve blessed our lives, that we might be a blessing for others. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer

Steadfast God,

As circumstances test and shape us, we pray for your presence in our world and your comfort in our lives.

During our wilderness days, be by our side as we struggle with the demands of everyday life. Help those for whom work or school is a burden. Heal those for whom family is a place of hurt or fear. Let us all feel the support of your love.

Through our wilderness nights, be in our hearts as we endure the uncertainty of the future. Help those weighed down by despair. Soothe those kept awake by anxiety. Let us all feel the strength of your hope.

Remind us of the angels serving in your world.

We give thanks for all those who provide us with food. From farm workers and factory staff to truck drivers and grocery store assistants. For those who contribute to food banks to get meals to those in need. Bless their work, and renew their courage each day.

We give thanks for all those who keep us healthy. Doctors, nurses and research workers, who battle disease each day. Janitors and cleaners and greeters with hand sanitizer, ridding our shared spaces of unseen germs. Bless their work, and renew their dedication each day.

We give thanks for all those who serve in our communities. Those who visit the lonely or support the elderly. Those who keep public transit running or ensure telephone lines and the internet are working. Bless their work, and renew their hearts each day.

Be with each one of us as we navigate the wilderness of our world and grant us peace.



Whatever this day holds, remember that you are blessed by God, supported by God and strengthened by God. When the wilderness looms, take comfort in God’s love, that your life may affirm the good news of Jesus Christ. You are beloved. Amen.



Gill Le Fevre (she/her)
Gill Le Fevre (she/her)

Written by Gill Le Fevre (she/her)

Writer, student, historian, Mom. Writing nourishes me.

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