Sunday Prayers: Mark 12:38–44 and Isaiah 2:2–5
Prayers for Remembrance Sunday
Call to Worship
One: On Remembrance Day we give thanks for those who have made sacrifices in pursuit of justice.
All: Soldiers, pilots, sailors, marines.
One: We honour the sacrifices made in pursuit of peace.
All: Nurses, ambulance drivers, doctors, chaplains.
One: We affirm the sacrifices made in pursuit of freedom.
All: Parents, wives, husbands, children.
One: We lament that these sacrifices were necessary.
All: We renew our calling to strive for peace and justice, freedom and truth.
One: We celebrate life reclaimed from war.
All: We proclaim life abundant, in Jesus Christ.
One: Let us worship together and remember together.
All: That their sacrifice is never forgotten.
Opening Prayer
Sustaining God,
At this time of Remembrance, we give thanks for the peace we enjoy in our community. We honour the sacrifices of those throughout our history who gave of themselves that we may live in freedom. We pray for peace in our world. We remember the many places around the globe where violence and destruction are ever-present, where conflict and bloodshed blight the lives of so many. We pray for healing in our world. We pray for an end to hatred and prejudice, for peace free from oppression, and life free from fear. All this we pray in the name of Jesus the Christ who taught us, that no one has greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. Amen.
Offering Prayer
Healing God,
We give thanks for those who gave all that they had, so that our sacrifices are not necessary. We remember the trauma and grief, the scars and suffering, as we honour the efforts of those who served, and the pain of their families and friends. Accept our gifts today to serve your peaceful purpose and calling. Inspire us in the sharing of our time and talent, that in our own ways we can build peace and justice in your world. Amen.
Go out from here in gratitude and love, giving thanks for those whose sacrifice assured our freedom, even as we strive for peace and justice in our time. May your days be filled with the love of God, giving you hope and direction, and may you honour the sacrificial love of all who served with your life, fully lived, walking in the light of the Lord.