Sunday Prayers: Matthew 1:1–6a, Isaiah 9:2–7

Prayers for Advent 3, a service of surprising joy.

Gill Le Fevre (she/her)
3 min readDec 23, 2022
Photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash

Call to Worship

One: The nights are drawing in. Our days can be colder and harder.
All: Darkness brings gloom and uncertainty, fear and despair.
One: Yet lights shine out in our darkness, giving relief. Tree lights, candle lights, outdoor lights.
All: They light up our streets and our homes, resisting the darkness, sparkling with joy.
One: Let God’s light of joy shine out in our hearts.
All: Glowing to comfort us, encourage and sustain us.
One: Let God’s light of promise shine out in our lives.
All: Blazing to share the love and joy we have in Christ Jesus.

Opening Prayer

One: Accepting God, God-with-us in our darkness
All: You meet us where we are and as we are, and welcome us into your care.
One: Radiant God, dawning light of great joy
All: You renew us when we are weary, you ease the burdens that hold us down.
One: Wonderful Counselor
All: Guide us to follow your word of love.
One: Mighty God
All: Strengthen us to do your will.
One: Everlasting Father
All: Forgive us through your eternal grace.
One: Prince of Peace
All: Soothe us with the promise that we are enough.
One: Accepting God, radiant God
All: We offer you our thanks and praise, that of your greatness there is no end. Amen.

Offering Prayer

Joyful and abundant God,

We rejoice in the overflowing magnitude of your gifts to us. Of the hope and promise that calls us forward with you into each new day. Of the peace and comfort that reassures us when life goes astray. Of your generosity and grace that knows no end.

Bless our gifts this morning, that they may bring hope to those in despair, peace to those in distress, and joy to all they reach, that in your love we are all seen, rescued and healed.


Pastoral Prayer

Holy One, God with us, be the light in our darkness this day.

As we have lit the candle of hope, we pray for hope, for our world that hurts everywhere.
We pray for those for whom this is a time of uncertainty, for those awaiting results or treatment, for those worrying about money or work.
Christ, Lord of our salvation, hear our prayer.

As we have lit the candle of peace, we pray for peace, for our world that fights everywhere.
We pray for those whose lives have been destroyed by war. We pray especially for those suffering because of the war in Ukraine: for those dying to protect their country; for those displaced by the violence, facing this Christmas in a strange land; and for those struggling to remain in their homes, trying to survive without power and water.
Christ, Prince of Peace, hear our prayer.

As we have lit the candle of joy, we pray for joy, for our world that weeps everywhere.
Be with those who grieve or fear at this time. Be with the lonely, and help them find community. Be with the empty, and help them find meaning.
Christ, our heavenly redeemer, hear our prayer.

Faithful God, we give thanks for the loving gift of Your Son, Christ Jesus, and Your assurance that You are by our side evermore.

Let our voices and our lives be lifted up in praise to your almighty truth.
Glory to God in the Highest.


Walking in darkness, yet walking in joy, we rejoice in the promise of God’s love and mercy.
May that love enfold you in the days ahead, guiding you, sheltering you and sustaining you.
May that mercy comfort you in your dark times, dawning anew each day.
And may the God of joy fill you with all hope and peace in believing, so that you may abound in joy by the power of the Holy Spirit.




Gill Le Fevre (she/her)
Gill Le Fevre (she/her)

Written by Gill Le Fevre (she/her)

Writer, student, historian, Mom. Writing nourishes me.

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