Sunday Prayers: Matthew 15:21-28

Gill Le Fevre (she/her)
3 min readSep 26, 2022
Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

Call to Worship

One: Seeking God’s way, unsure of what lies ahead;
All: Let the wisdom of God’s word help us learn to love.
One: Confronted by difficulty, stretched by possibility;
All: Let the strength of God’s faith help us grow in love.
One: Challenged by setbacks, disconcerted or confused;
All: Let the promise of God’s grace help us persist in love.

Opening Prayer

One: Guiding Lord God, light of direction and discernment,
All: Shine in our hearts today.
One: As we journey through life, with events and upsets we do not understand,
All: Steady us with the patience of faith.
One: When all feels lost and we are tired by our days,
All: Strengthen us with the persistence of faith.
One: Daunted by obstacles in our lives and in the world,
All: Embolden us with the courage of faith.
One: When hurts and slights sting or indifference isolates us,
All: Soothe us with the essence of faith.
One: Embrace us in your eternal love and remind us of your reassuring promise,
All: To be with us always, to the end of our days. Amen.

Offering Prayer

Generous God, whose love knows no boundaries, work in us to remove the limits of our love. Bless this offering to heal those we repel as untouchable, to feed those we reject as undeserving, and to comfort those we dismiss as incomprehensible. Expand our love and our offering to see you in the world and to serve you in our lives. Amen.

Pastoral Prayer

Listening God,
Have mercy on us, as you see our struggles and hear our cries. Be with us and renew us in hope.

When we are lost, or uncertain of the direction of our lives, steady us to remember your word. Help us to strive to serve you in the choices we make, and surround us with good advice and positive examples. Be with those who lead in our communities and bless them with generous and compassionate insight and purpose.
Guiding God, have mercy on us.

When we are unwell, or troubled by health concerns in our lives, comfort us with your peace. Grant us courage and endurance as we face tests or treatment, and support us with restorative care and renewal. Be with those who serve our world by caring for others, and bless them with patience and understanding.
Healing God, have mercy on us.

When we are lonely, or struggling with the relationships in our lives, reassure us with your presence. Help us to find contentment in our solitude and connections and possibilities in the communities around us. Be with those who provide counselling and guidance and bless them with empathy and tender discernment.
Loving God, have mercy on us.

Listening God, have mercy on us. As we offer you our prayers, help us listen to you.


Depart from here renewed in your worship, restored in your mercy, and revitalized in your faith. May you meet the days ahead with vigour and determination and the confidence of God’s love planted deep in your heart where it might grow.

