Sunday Prayers: Matthew 2:1–12, 1 Kings 19:3–13a

Gill Le Fevre (she/her)
2 min readJan 6, 2024

A call to rest and grace.

Call to Worship

One: We give thanks that our journey has brought us here today.
All: For respite from the gusts that blow through life.
One: We seek shelter from the tumult of the world;
All: A pause in the overwhelm of demands and needs.
One: Here we can step back from urgency and stress;
All: Accepting the invitation to rest and be renewed.
One: And in the flow of our worship, the quiet of our prayer;
All: In the stillness of this moment, may we find God.

Opening Prayer

One: Sustaining God, at the start of this new year, refuel us, we pray.
All: Strengthen us for the challenges we may face, to chase the dreams we hold, and traverse the twists and turns that lie ahead. Guide us on our way.

One: At the start of this new week, restore us, we pray.
All: Sustain us through the bustle of our lives, the swamp of chores and lists, the certainty of things forgotten and tasks undone. Reassure us that you are by our side.

One: At the start of each new day, refresh us we pray.
All: Inspire us with hope and possibility. Shield us from fear and worry. Remind us that you are in our hearts.

One: In our moments of working or waiting, help us find peace in you.
All: Give us rest, that we might more fully comprehend your love for us. Amen.

Offering Prayer

Compassionate God,
Take our offering today and use it to bring the world rest and peace. In places of violence and war, quiet the roar of trauma. In places of scarcity and hunger, quell the fear of poverty. In places of greed and pollution, still the chase for profit. Extend your healing love throughout all creation, to ease the hurt of all your children. Amen.


Go gently on from here today, passing softly through the week.
Breathing in God’s love.
Resting in the moment.
Encountering the peace of God.
God with us. Still always. Amen.

