Sunday Prayers: Micah 5:2–5a, Ruth 4:9–17 for Advent 3
Call to Worship
One: As we journey through Advent, may our path be guided with the light of God’s gift of hope.
All: Nurture and encourage us to find hope in each new day.
One: When uncertainty holds us back, may our steps be made steady by the comfort of God’s gift of peace.
All: Soothe and sustain us to encounter each other in peace.
One: When we can’t see the road ahead, may our travels be eased by the promise of God’s gift of joy.
All: Nourish us and lighten our load through gratitude and joy.
Opening Prayer
Joyful and uplifting God, we give thanks for your most tender and merciful blessing of joy in our lives.
In times of darkness and trouble, we welcome the glimmer of your promise of joy, flickering like a candle that reminds us we are never apart from you, God. When we feel alone or lost, reassure us with the glow of your joy in us, burning like a beacon to guide our way. For those days when it all comes together, we give thanks for the radiance of abundant joy, blazing like the sun and lighting up our world.
Inspire us always to kindle the light of joy in our hearts, that it will keep us close to you and shine into the world to warm the lives of all those around us.
Offering Prayer
It can be difficult to give in joy when we are surrounded by so much talk of shortages and cutbacks. And yet Jesus teaches us and reassures us that even a cup of cold water is precious in God’s sight. We give then, as we are able, freely and joyfully, trusting in God’s abundant love.
Generous God,
We confess that we do not always give joyfully, free from fear or judgment. Forgive us when we let our desires constrain our compassion, or allow small-mindedness to limit our outreach. Rescue us from greed and envy and open our hearts to grow in gratitude for all you provide in our lives. Help us to recognize the need in this world and notice where our gifts can make a difference. By the power of your almighty love, transform our offering to embrace your children and heal their pain. Amen.
Pastoral Prayer
Illuminating God, who brings light in our darkness, whose word shows us the way, be with us on our Advent journey.
Like Ruth, when our journey takes us to unfamiliar places and unknown people, bring us hope.
We pray for those who face uncertainty in their lives, facing unwelcome change or difficult decisions. Guide them and us to see your purpose in our days and to find meaning in our confusion. Encourage us with signs of your presence in our lives.
Like Micah, when our journey is beset by threats and we feel engulfed by upheaval, bring us peace.
We pray for those whose lives are troubled by conflict and those who are living in fear. Help them and us find strength in unexpected places and release us from all that is causing us pain. Protect us with the reassurance of our value in your eyes.
Like Naomi, when our journey involves loss and we cannot see beyond our anguish, bring us joy.
We pray for those for whom this Advent season is a time of sadness, and for whom a celebration seems impossible this year. Comfort them and us with the reminder that we are each loved and treasured by you. Sustain us with the witness of your care for us.
Faithful God, our shepherd and our saviour, enfold us in your eternal love, today and always.
Go out this day blessed by the love of our joyful God who delights in you and your Advent journey. Take the joy God has in you and let it radiate in your soul, warming you and all those you meet. Share your joy in this season as a holy gift to God. Amen.