Gill Le Fevre (she/her)
2 min readFeb 12, 2019


Sunday prayers: The Beatitudes, Luke 6:17–26

Call to Worship
: From the comfort of our Western homes and prosperous lives,
All: We come hungry for a better world for all.
One: In our society divided by power struggles and prejudice,
All: We affirm the power of Your healing love.
One: With the honesty of our doubts and insecurities,
All: We rejoice in Your love for each one of us; seeking Your blessing to make us whole.

Opening Prayer
Compassionate God, we recognize that our world is a broken place, hurt by poverty, famine and disease. We admit that sometimes we make the world a broken place, tolerating prejudice, conflict and self-interest. We confess that our hearts also suffer with anger, resentment and jealousy. Renew us in Your love, O God, and heal us with the comfort of Your abundant love. Awaken us to the role we can play in healing Your creation. Strengthen us through the power of the Holy Spirit to hear Your word and move forward in faith. Amen.

Offering prayer
Benevolent God, you see those who are hungry, poor and marginalized, who too often we overlook. You recognize their humanity and their suffering, and promise to overthrow the rejection they encounter in our world. Help us be part of that transformation. Take our gifts to feed the hungry and sustain the poor. Multiply our gifts to erase the margins of our society, embracing us all in Your inclusive love. Amen.

