Sunday Prayers: Jeremiah 23:1–6; Luke 18:1–8
A service celebrating the You Matter Marathon
Call to Worship:
One: The world blares out: bigger, stronger, greater.
All: And we wonder why we feel smaller, weaker, less.
One: We look around at others and see newer, smarter, more together.
All: We look inside ourselves and fear we are not enough.
One: We come today to seek your presence;
All: To be reminded that throughout every struggle, you are with us.
One: You see us, God, in all our frailty. You know us, God, in all our failings.
All: And yet you love us, God. And with care and compassion, you hold us close.
Opening Prayer:
Caring God, guide us this morning to affirm that we can make a difference in this world. Help us to reach out to those who are lonely, uncertain, or lost; and let your love bless our encounters. Help us to remember that you reach out to us also; and that your mercy embraces each one of us. Inspire us to recognize the power of small actions, kind words and simple gestures, when they are carried out with love. Amen.
Offering Prayer:
Revitalizing God, transform our gifts with your immense love, to make a difference to those in need in our world. Transform our hearts, so that we come to worship joyfully and give generously. Transform our lives, that we may affirm your grace in everyone we encounter. Amen.